AML/CTF Compliance

Compliance in anti-money laundering and terrorist financing prevention is a major focus area for Fintechs including Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASP), Crypto Asset Service Providers (CASPs) under MiCA regulation and other financial institutions. When your business has needs in Compliance, ML/TF prevention, Fintech Balance regulatory compliance professionals will guide and assist to be compliant with anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) regulations. Our team professionals will bring an extensive experience and knowledge to help you to navigate the complex regulatory landscape and implement effective AML/CTF program and risk management strategy to mitigate money laundering and financial crime risks.

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality services and solutions to help them maintain compliance with AML laws in Lithuania and beyond. Our team works closely with our clients to develop customized AML programs and policies that are tailored to their unique business needs and risk profiles.

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    AML / CTF Legal Compliance

    Establishment of AML/CTF Compliance Program that includes policies, procedures, and internal controls that are designed to detect, prevent, and report money laundering and terrorist financing activities:

    • Development of AML/CTF policies and procedures;
    • Implementation of Customer due diligence/ KYC processes;
    • Establishment of AML/CTF Risk Assessments including Enterprise-wide;
    • Risk Assessment and Customer Risk Scoring;
    • Implementation of Monitoring, Reporting and Record-keeping;
    • Development of AML Training program.

    AML / CTF Compliance Services

    1. Preparation of tailor-made internal AML program to suit your individual business needs 

      We provide a comprehensive service for the development of your AML porgram, tailored to meet your unique requirements. Our legal solution includes setting up AML Policies and procedures, including KYC, ODD, EDD, crypto AML solutions, advising on AML processes’ implementation, suggesting possible customers’ identification/verification, risk scoring and transaction monitoring solutions, conducting Enterprise wide risk assessments, providing staff training, and much more. 

    2. Assessment of your current AML documentation
      If you already have your internal AML regulations in place, we can conduct an expert evaluation to assess your compliance with current AML laws and regulations. Our certified CAMS Specialist will thoroughly review your internal policies and procedures, including crypto AML specifics, to identify any potential shortcomings and provide you with recommendations for improvement, if needed.
    3. Development of smooth on-boarding process to your client
      The on-boarding process is a crucial aspect of any business relationship as it allows you to understand your clients’ needs and goals and prevent any potential abuse of your services. At the same time, it is essential to ensure that the on-boardingprocess is customer-oriented and user-friendly to provide a positive experience for your clients.Our team can assist you in designing and implementing an easy and efficient on-boarding process that meets all legal requirements while also ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for your clients. We can help you identify the necessary procedures and documentation required by law and streamline the on-boarding process to make it as straightforward as possible for your clients.
    4. AML / CTF compliance training for your employees
      Our comprehensive staff training system is designed to focus on the practical implementation of AML processes. We believe it’s essential for employees to not only understand the principles of AML but also the significance of their application in practice. We recognize that AML regulations are constantly evolving, and as such, our training program is designed as an ongoing process. We provide regular courses for your employees, along with seminars to keep them informed about any updates or changes in AML Law Lithuania and regulations, specially in crypto AML regulatory enviroment.
    5. AML/CTF Audits
      Our Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Audit Service is designed to help businesses ensure compliance with AML laws and regulations. Money laundering is a serious issue that can have severe consequences for businesses that fail to comply with AML regulations. Our AML Audit Service offers a comprehensive review of your business’s AML policies, procedures, and internal controls, to help you identify any gaps in your compliance and take corrective action to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing activities.Our AML Auditors will provide you with a detailed report that outlines any areas of non-compliance, deficiencies, or weaknesses in your AML program, as well as recommendations for improvement.
    6. Ongoing AML / CTF compliance support
      We understand that sometimes AML / CTF legal matters may be complicated and difficult to directly apply to the business activities. Our Ad-hoc Assistance and Compliance support provides businesses with expert advice and support on Anti-Money Laundering (AML) related matters. Money laundering is a complex issue that requires businesses to be vigilant and proactive in identifying and preventing potential risks. Our team of experienced AML professionals can provide you with ad-hoc assistance and consultations to help you navigate through any AML related matters that your business may face.Our ongoing AML/CTF compliance support can help you with a range of AML related matters, including the development and implementation of AML policies and procedures,  AML/CTF processes including customer due diligence processes, risk assessments, employee training, transaction monitoring, reporting, etc.

    Additional Services Related to AML / CTF Compliance

    1. Establishment of organizational structure – assistance identifying the appropriate legal structure, incorporation of holding companies in tax efficient jurisdictions, transferring companies shares, designing ownership structure, etc.;
    2. Tax advisory – guidance and advice regarding tax obligations and liabilities, minimizing tax liabilities from cross-border activities, creating a tax planning strategy, etc.;
    3. Preparation of internal documentation – preparation of tailor made AML / CTF Policy with Annexes, Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Cyber Security Policy, etc.;
    4. Assistance in hiring employees – guidance and support to employers who are looking to hire new staff. Such service includes potential employees background / knowledge check, interviewing, establishment of employment policies and procedures, etc.;
    5. Assistance in creating partnerships – support and advisory in various potential partnerships and collaborations with other entities in terms of additional services (e. g., IT, KYC, banking service providers) or additional financing (e. g., organizing meetings with VC, agnel investors, preparation of pitch deck, etc.);
    6. Legal support in crypto related projects – assistance in token offering legal support (ICO/STO/IEO), private placement rounds, preparation of legal opinions, analysis of business models, etc.

    For more please see our Services page.


    AML compliance refers to the procedures, policies, and internal controls that organizations implement to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. This includes customer due diligence (CDD), Know Your Customer (KYC), adverse media screening, AML audit, and AML policy and procedure development. Our AML compliance officers and CAMS specialists are experienced in ensuring AML compliance for various industries, including AML for crypto and AML for fintechs.

    AML / CTF regulations apply to a broad range of businesses and professions, which according to the AML legislation are considered as obliged entities under the AML Law. For examples would be financial institutions, crypto businesses, casinos, real estate agents, and lawyers, etc. Our legal professionals are well-versed in AML law in Lithuania and can provide guidance and support to ensure that your business is fully compliant.

    CDD is the process of verifying the identity of customers, assessing the risks associated with them, and monitoring their transactions. It is a critical part of AML / CTF compliance. Our AML compliance officers can provide guidance on the development of an effective CDD program and adverse media searches to ensure full compliance.

    KYC refers to the process of verifying the identity of customers and assessing the risks associated with them before establishing a business relationship. Our AML compliance officers and AML training program specialists can help your business develop and implement effective KYC processes to ensure compliance.

    Non-compliance with AML / CTF regulations can result in significant fines, reputation damage, and legal sanctions. In some cases, it may even result in criminal charges. Our AML audit services and ongoing AML support can help ensure that your business remains fully compliant with all applicable regulations.